

Goodbye, first trimester!

Although different sources give different size comparisons for the stage we're currently at, I prefer to go with the one that says the baby is the size of a tennis ball - simply because I like the thought of Ferris bouncing around. I'd give anything to get a little glimpse, because this week the baby will be getting cheeks (I want plump ones!) and a longer neck (I want a strong one to hold up those plump cheeks!). Arms and legs are starting to grow and even out in proportion to the head.

It's been pretty interesting to me to read all of the old wives' tales about how to tell what you're having, since we aren't going to find out but I'm not immune to the curiosity. For instance, a high heart rate (higher than 140) indicates a girl - at our last appointment, we had a rate of 170. Heartburn means the baby will be born with lots of hair (given the thick hair my husband and I both have combined with my burning esophagus, we should be good to go). As things progress, we'll be able to consider things like how high I'm carrying. I don't take too much stock in these things, but it's fun nonetheless.

Last night was the Christmas party at my husband's office - the office where I also worked for three years before leaving back in August. We were shocked to find out that there were still many people who didn't know I was pregnant - given the sheer force with which gossip normally travels those halls. Then again, we were already living together when the majority of people learned we'd been dating - so maybe we're just better at keeping our business to ourselves.

There are more and more moments now where I almost forget I'm pregnant - in the beginning, it was all I could think about and I usually spent my days in a fog, trying to wrap my mind around the concept. I do find myself subconsciously rubbing my belly, and when I'm out in public I seem to take notice of other pregnant women and babies a bit more than usual. All in all though, I'm settling in and feeling much more comfortable with how much things are changing - probably due primarily to the absence of nausea and food aversions.

Tomorrow begins the first of our four different Christmas celebrations with various members of our family...and as much as I love spending time with our families, I'm eager for the chaos to be behind us.

1 comment:

TKTC said...

So excited for you and Bouncing Ferris. I love that name by the way, I know it's kind've a gag but still. Adorable- no matter how fast that heartbeat is!